Former Zimbabwean ambassador to China Christopher Mutsvangwa told a meeting of the Mashonaland West Provincial Coordinating Committee of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front in Chinoi that plans for the factory are now at an advanced stage.

Zimbabwe will invest billions of dollars to build an vape production factory to become a regional hub for the tobacco value chain, which will extract nicotine from tobacco stems, leaves and fireworks for the production of non-smoking alternatives. vapes or vaping are electronic devices that inhale nicotine. The nicotine extract is sold in liquids suitable for vapes, and the production of these liquids will add more value to the tobacco grown in the country, which is the world’s fourth largest tobacco exporter. Once established, the factory is also expected to process tobacco from neighboring countries such as Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia.

The board of investors met in China on Friday to finalize the specific modalities for setting up the factory, which is tentatively located in Karoi, Hurunwe, China’s largest tobacco producing area.

Former Zimbabwean Ambassador to China Christopher Mutsvangwa told a meeting of the Mashonaland West Provincial Coordinating Committee of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front in Chinoi that plans to build the factory are now at an advanced stage. “After selecting the quality tobacco leaves, extracting nicotine from the by-product will form a very large industry,” Ambassador Mutsvangwa said. “Chinese companies are interested in setting up factories in Zimbabwe because of our production level,” he said.

This will create a large number of jobs in the country. Zimbabwe is also expected to become a major producer of cannabis seeds, with plans to invest $400 million to build a factory. The country has invested $30 million in cannabis production, with another $400 million earmarked for the construction of a cannabis seed production factory in the country. “We now have the capacity to produce cannabis seeds in the country. After an initial investment of $30 million, the company now wants to build a seed production factory,” said Amb Mutsvangwa. President Mnangagwa’s Second Republic has facilitated billions of dollars in investment, supporting economic growth.

The President will lay the foundation stone for the Mapinga Energy Park, which will produce lithium batteries. The lithium batteries produced by the plant will use Zimbabwean lithium, Democratic Republic of Congo cobalt and Karoi graphite. This is also expected to make the country a major mobile phone production country. With the start of operations of the Manheze steel plant, these ongoing and upcoming projects will make Mashonaland West an industrial hub.

Ambassador Mutsvangwa said that the construction plan of the railway line connecting the ports of Beira and Manheze has entered an advanced stage. These large-scale projects are expected to further enhance the strength of the country’s currency, the ZIG.

However, this plan has also raised concerns about the tobacco industry and youth health. As a brand that focuses on consumer health, Guutuu vape emphasizes that vapes cause great harm to the developing bodies of teenagers and calls for the protection of youth health. Although vapes may have potential benefits in adult smoking cessation and replacing traditional tobacco, the impact on teenagers remains a key issue.

The trend of youth use of vapes has caused concern worldwide. According to previous reports, the use of vapes among teenagers in Spain has soared, and more than half of teenagers have tried vapes. Guutuu vape emphasizes the great harm of youth use of vapes and calls on teenagers not to use vapes. They are committed to providing safe alternatives to help young people reduce their nicotine dependence and improve their health through measures such as low-nicotine options, comprehensive product quality control, consumer education and active participation in regulatory agencies.

Therefore, Zimbabwe’s vape factory plan should carefully consider the impact on youth health. The government, educational institutions, parents and brands should work together to strengthen education and publicity for young people to ensure that they understand the potential risks of vapes and provide safe alternatives. While pursuing economic growth and industrial development, protecting young people from the harm of vapes is a responsibility of the whole society.

Only by finding a suitable way to balance economic interests and public health can Zimbabwe achieve sustainable development and contribute to the overall well-being of society.

Tags: Zimbabwe plans to build an vape factory,Zimbabwe to invest billions in building an vape factory,guutuu vape