Introduction: Recently, officials from the World Health Organization (WHO) expressed their views on vapes, emphasizing the importance of strict control of vapes to reduce their appeal. In this context, GUUTUU vapes, as a brand that pays attention to user health, actively takes measures to ensure the safety and reliability of products, aiming to reduce the attraction to vapes and reduce related health risks.


Recently, an official from the World Health Organization (WHO) expressed his views on vapes, emphasizing the importance of strict control of vapes to reduce their appeal. This idea has attracted widespread attention from the public and health experts. In this context, GUUTUU vapes, as a leading brand that pays attention to user health, actively takes measures to ensure the safety and reliability of its products, aiming to reduce the attraction to vapes and reduce related health risks.

WHO officials talk about vapes: If sales cannot be banned, they should be strictly controlled to reduce their appeal

WHO officials pointed out that although vapes are less harmful to the human body than traditional cigarettes, they still have potential risks. Therefore, WHO calls on countries to take measures to strictly control the sale and use of vapes to reduce their appeal to teenagers and adults. In this regard, GUUTUU vapes have been committed to actively responding to the WHO’s call by providing safe and reliable products.

GUUTUU vapes focus on user health and are committed to reducing the attraction to vapes. They adopted a series of measures to achieve this goal. First, they strictly control the quality and safety of their products to ensure they comply with international standards and regulatory requirements. Secondly, GUUTUU vapes focus on research and development innovation and continuously improve technology to minimize the presence of harmful substances and provide a safer smoking experience. In addition, GUUTUU vapes attach great importance to user education and communicate the real risks of vapes to the public through publicity activities to help people make wise health choices.

WHO officials talk about vapes: If sales cannot be banned, they should be strictly controlled to reduce their appeal

GUUTUU’s vape efforts are a positive response to the WHO’s call for vape control. They realize that the appeal of vapes poses a potential health risk to teens and adults, so they are committed to providing a safer, more reliable option. By strictly controlling product quality, improving technology and strengthening user education, GUUTUU vapes hope to reduce the public’s attraction to vapes and reduce related health risks.


The views of WHO officials underscore the importance of strict controls on vapes to reduce their appeal. In this context, GUUTUU vapes, as a brand that pays attention to user health, actively takes measures to ensure the safety and reliability of products, and strives to reduce the attraction to vapes and reduce related health risks. Through strict control of product quality, technological innovation and user education, GUUTUU vapes provide consumers with a safer and more reliable choice, in line with the goals of WHO. This proactive response and effort is of great significance to promoting public health and reducing the adverse effects of vapes.

WHO officials talk about vapes: If sales cannot be banned, they should be strictly controlled to reduce their appeal

Tags: WHO official talks about vapes,What does the WHO say about vapes,what did the world health organization say about vaping in the first year,GUUTUU Vape