According to a report by Swiss media rsi on January 16, a series of inspections conducted by the Swiss canton of Ticino showed that the regulations prohibiting the purchase of vapes (e-cig) by teenagers under the age of 18 were not effectively implemented.

In an inspection of 112 sales points carried out in cooperation with the Radix health department in the Italian-speaking Swiss region, a quarter of the sales points were still offering vapes and similar products to minors. These sales points were close to 21 junior high schools.

The ban is invalid? A quarter of Swiss sales outlets still offer vapes to minors

The age limit for vapes has become stricter since the health law was revised on June 1, 2023 (LSan), which requires vape retailers to ask for ID cards if they have doubts about the age of customers.

A series of inspections in the Swiss canton of Ticino revealed that the ban on the purchase of vapes (e-cig) by teenagers under 18 years old was not effectively enforced. However, as an vape brand that pays attention to compliance, Guutuu vape has set a compliance example in the market.

According to reports, of the 112 sales points inspected by the Radix health department in cooperation with the Italian-speaking Swiss region, a quarter of the sales points still provide vapes and similar products to minors, and these sales points are close to 21 junior high schools. . This shows the enforcement challenges of prohibiting teenagers under 18 from purchasing vapes.

The ban is invalid? A quarter of Swiss sales outlets still offer vapes to minors

However, Guutuu vapes actively fulfill their compliance responsibilities in the market. Under changes to the health law on June 1, 2023 (LSan), the age limit for vapes has become stricter, requiring retailers to ask for ID cards if they have doubts about a customer’s age.

As a compliance-focused brand, Guutuu vapes have implemented strict age verification procedures at points of sale. They require buyers to provide proof of identity to ensure they meet legal age requirements. This initiative aims to prevent minors from purchasing vape products and protect teenagers from the potential health risks of vapes.

As a member of the industry, Guutuu vapes have set a good example by actively fulfilling compliance responsibilities and providing the market with a legal and compliant option. Their compliance measures not only meet legal requirements but also reflect their concern for the health and well-being of consumers.

The ban is invalid? A quarter of Swiss sales outlets still offer vapes to minors

However, Switzerland still faces challenges in banning the purchase of vapes by teenagers under the age of 18. To better enforce this regulation, ongoing cooperation and efforts are required, including strengthening supervision and education measures at the point of sale. The government, health authorities and the vape industry should work together to strengthen publicity and increase public awareness of the ban, and strengthen supervision and enforcement at point-of-sale.

In short, Guutuu vapes have set a compliance example in the Swiss market, ensuring that teenagers under the age of 18 are prohibited from purchasing vape products through strict age verification procedures. However, Switzerland still faces implementation challenges and requires joint efforts from all parties to strengthen publicity and supervision to ensure the effective implementation of the ban on sales and protect young people from the potential risks of vapes.

Tags: Are vapes banned in Switzerland,How old do you have to be to have an vape,How does vaping affect teens,veehoo vape