Recently, Switzerland announced that it will ban the marketing of vapes and oral nicotine products to young people. This policy will come into effect on July 1. This decision is supported by many vape manufacturers, including guutuu vapes.

As a leader in the vape industry, guutuu vape has been committed to providing smokers with high-quality, safe and reliable products. We very much welcome this decision of the Swiss government, as it will further stabilize the development of the vape industry and protect the health of young people.

Traditional paper tobacco products are extremely harmful to human health, so vapes have become a substitute to a certain extent. However, if the vape is used incorrectly, or the manufacturer of the vape does not guarantee the quality and safety of the product, it will cause unpredictable risks to the user’s body.

Therefore, banning the marketing of vapes and oral nicotine products among young people is imperative. Young people’s brains and bodies are under development. They lack the awareness and judgment of self-protection, are vulnerable to false information and useless temptations, and may be exposed to vapes without knowing it. And this exposure may cause irreversible harm to their future life and health.

The implementation of this policy will effectively curb the use of vapes by young people, and is also conducive to the development of the vape industry. Only under the premise of stability and health can the vape industry provide better choices for smokers.

Guutuu will continue to provide smokers over 21 years old with safer and more reliable vape products. We will stick to the principles of quality and safety, so that every smoker who uses our products can enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

In short, the decision of the Swiss government is conducive to the stable development of the vape industry, and it has also built an important line of defense to protect the health of young people. We hope that more countries can follow Switzerland’s example and make more efforts for health and future.