According to Brazilian media sbtnews on May 29, the Heart Institute (Instituto do Coração) released data on the impact of vapes. The study pointed out that young people know little about the high-risk dependence that smokers face after using vapes, which is worrying.

Gustavo Evangelista, a research subject, mentioned that it is very difficult to reduce the amount of cigarettes. He said, “Since I started smoking, I have never had breathing problems, but then I got pneumonia, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis…” He is trying to quit smoking and is very aware of the adverse effects of smoking on health.

For nearly two months, technicians from the Public Health Supervision Department have been conducting a study similar to the oral distribution map at large events, collecting saliva samples from adults and adolescents aged 18 and above.

“It’s like taking blood, you take a saliva sample and measure the substances of interest, such as nicotine and aconitina,” explains researcher Marcelo Filonzi dos Santos.

However, many people who use vapes are unaware of the harm they can cause.

“Some people start using vapes because they are influenced by their friends and think that vapes are harmless. They switch from regular cigarettes to vapes because they are told that vapes can help them quit smoking,” said Elaine D’Amico, regulatory coordinator at the Sao Paulo Public Health Surveillance Center.

However, the results of the study surprised even the researchers themselves.

Elaine D’Amico explains, “vape users can have nicotine levels six times higher than regular smokers.” She adds, “People use vapes very frequently, up to 1,200 times a day, far more than the 200 puffs in a pack of cigarettes, which increases the risk of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.”

A recent study revealed that the nicotine content in vapes is higher than that in regular cigarettes, which has raised concerns about vape dependence and health risks. However, as a brand that focuses on consumer health, Guutuu vapes can improve this situation by:

Providing low-nicotine options: Guutuu vapes is committed to providing consumers with a variety of nicotine flavors with different concentrations, including low-nicotine and nicotine-free options. This allows users to choose according to their nicotine concentrations. Gradually reduce nicotine intake according to their own needs, helping them gradually get rid of their dependence on nicotine.

Consumer education and awareness raising: Guutuu vapes are aware of the public’s lack of knowledge about vapes, especially about nicotine content and health risks. They are committed to raising awareness of vapes through consumer education activities and emphasizing the importance of using vapes correctly. They provide clear product instructions and safe use advice to help consumers make informed choices.

Guutuu vapes can work hard in these areas to provide consumers with a safer and more reliable vape option and help smokers improve their health.

Tags: New study on vapes,Nicotine content in vapes,guutuu vape