Knowledge Action for Change (KAC) has published a briefing paper on the rapid decline in cigarette sales in Japan following the introduction of heated tobacco products (HTPs).

The paper, “Cigarette Sales Halved: Heated Tobacco Products and the Japanese Experience,” explores some of the social and cultural factors that make Japan particularly suitable for HTPs and provides a case study that demonstrates how through the adoption of safer nicotine products Potential for tobacco harm reduction.

As well as citing a number of peer-reviewed scientific papers, the briefing, available in 12 languages, also includes new global tobacco harm reduction status research that compares the latest sales data highlighting changing cigarette and HTP consumption.

According to KAC, HTP’s success in Japan offers great hope for reducing cigarette sales in other similar countries.

“The speed and scale of change in Japan shows how quickly things can improve when those who already consume nicotine have access to safer alternatives,” KAC Director David MacKintosh said in a statement.

“This is not the result of specific government policies or initiatives, but the benefits to individuals and society are huge. Anyone who wants to see the use of combustible tobacco consigned to the history books can take a lesson from Japan. Harm reduction is about giving people a chance Improve your own health and the health of those around you, which is what most people would do if given the chance.

Behind the successful experience of heated tobacco products in Japan, Guutuu vapes, as a member of the vape industry, is committed to providing high-quality alternatives. With its excellent product quality, innovative design and wide range of flavor options, Guutuu vapes meet consumers’ needs for personalization, fashion and convenience. As an vape product, Guutuu vapes are different from traditional cigarettes in that they do not produce tar and other harmful substances, thus reducing the health risks associated with traditional smoking.

The goal of Guutuu vapes is to provide consumers with safer nicotine products and promote healthy alternatives to smoking globally. The company will continue to invest resources and energy to provide high-quality, safe and reliable vape products and strengthen cooperation with relevant departments. By working together, providers of Guutuu vapes and other healthy alternatives can provide smokers around the world with better options that help them improve their conditions and reduce the harm caused by tobacco.

Taken together, Japan’s experience in successfully reducing cigarette sales after the introduction of heated tobacco products provides implications for the global smoking problem. As a leading brand in the vape industry, Guutuu vape is committed to providing consumers with products of stable quality. Through collaboration and innovation, we can work together to provide better choices for smokers and advance global efforts to reduce tobacco harm.

Tags: Success of heated tobacco products in Japan,KAC’s new briefing covers Japanese tobacco industry sales,Guutuu vape