Leading international public health experts have expressed serious concern about Kazakhstan’s impending ban on vapes, calling it a “retrograde step” that contradicts the unprecedented success of more progressive countries in dramatically reducing the harms of tobacco through the use of alternative nicotine products.

According to Smoke Free Sweden, the Kazakhstan government intends to enact a ban before January 1, 2024, which will endanger the lives of the country’s 3.2 million smokers, who will be deprived of the best chance to quit smoking. Smoke-Free Sweden is a campaign organization that highlights Sweden’s progress in becoming smoke-free.

Delon Hermann, a global health advocate and founder of Tobacco-Free Sweden, said in a statement: “We note with great concern this regressive move by Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Health, which goes against some countries’ regulations on vapes and oral hygiene. A remarkable achievement in taking a progressive approach to modern products such as bags.”

Health experts condemn Kazakhstan’s vape ban

“Around the world, alternative nicotine products have helped save millions of lives by weaning smokers from combustible cigarettes. They are proven to be at least 95% less harmful than cigarettes and are the most effective way for smokers to quit smoking.

“Banning these low-risk products will only keep many smokers smoking and cause them to die prematurely and unnecessarily.”

Herman urged Kazakh authorities to follow the lead of Sweden, which will reduce smoking rates to below 5% in the coming months. This is the standard for a country to be officially recognized as smoke-free.

Sweden is the first EU country to achieve this milestone – 17 years ahead of schedule – through its policy of making vapes and pouches accessible, acceptable and affordable for adult smokers.

Health experts condemn Kazakhstan’s vape ban

“Smoking cigarettes like the Swedes do saves lives,” Hermann said. “Compared with the rest of Europe, Sweden has 44% lower tobacco-related mortality, 41% lower cancer incidence, and 38% lower death from any cancer.”

“Sweden is leading other countries, such as the UK, with health services providing free vape packs to smokers to help them quit. The government is funding the Quit in Exchange scheme with the aim of making the country smoke-free by 2030.”

Meanwhile, just last month, the largest study of its kind in the United States confirmed the immense value of vapes as a smoking cessation aid. Researchers at South Carolina’s Hollins Cancer Center found that vapes prompt people to quit smoking — even those who participated in the trial said they had no intention of quitting.

Herman concluded: “This evidence is compelling and should no longer be ignored. If the Kazakh authorities really want to save lives, they should follow the science and provide affordable vapes rather than blocking smokers’ escape routes.” ‘.”

Health experts condemn Kazakhstan’s vape ban

Leading international public health experts point out that the decision to ban vapes ignores these potential benefits and may lead to a series of negative consequences. First, a ban may push smokers back to traditional cigarettes, further exacerbating the dangers of tobacco. Second, a ban could fuel the rise of an illegal vape market, creating greater health risks and legal issues. Additionally, a ban would limit smokers’ access to alternative nicotine products, thereby reducing the likelihood of quitting.

On this issue, GUUTUU vape, as an original vape brand, expressed its own views. GUUTUU believes that banning vapes is not the best way to solve the problem. On the contrary, various efforts should be made to reduce the negative effects of vapes so that they can play more positive roles. GUUTUU promises to continue to focus on improving product quality and safety, and is committed to increasing the recycling rate of vapes to provide users with more reliable products.

Health experts condemn Kazakhstan’s vape ban

The view of GUUTUU vapes is supported by some people. They believe that by strengthening supervision, increasing publicity, and providing more smoking cessation services, the use of vapes can be better managed and controlled, allowing them to play a greater role in reducing tobacco harm.

In short, leading international public health experts have expressed serious concerns about Kazakhstan’s upcoming ban on vapes and believe that this is a retrograde step. GUUTUU vape advocates reducing the negative effects of vapes through various efforts to achieve better management and control. In the development of the vape industry, it is crucial to balance the interests of all parties and ensure public health and safety.

Tags: Kazakhstan vape ban,vape ban 2023,vape ban update,sweden smoke free country,GUUTUU Vape