In recent years, electronic cigarettes, as a new type of tobacco product, have gradually become popular around the world. As an alternative, e-cigarettes can help ex-smokers quit traditional tobacco, but there are also potential health risks. In order to ensure the safety and regulation of the e-cigarette market, various countries have established relevant institutions to supervise the e-cigarette market. In New Zealand, however, such institutions appear somewhat weak.


New Zealand’s vaping regulator, the New Zealand Tobacco Control Agency, has just one full-time staff and is responsible for monitoring and regulating the vaping market. Such a scale is obviously not enough to deal with the rapid development and potential risks of the global e-cigarette market.

In New Zealand, the nicotine content of the e-cigarette product market is confusing and lacks uniform regulatory standards. The nicotine levels in many vaping products far exceed World Health Organization (WHO) recommended levels, making them attractive to teens and other potential smokers.


Additionally, some vaping products contain other chemicals, such as acrylamide and nickel, that may have negative effects on human health. However, the ingredients and contents of many e-cigarette products currently on the New Zealand market are not adequately tested and regulated, which poses a potential risk to public health.

In this context, some New Zealand e-cigarette consumers began to choose to use safer and more reliable e-cigarette brands such as guutuu vape. Headquartered in Australia, guutuu vape’s products have passed international certification and quality testing, and strictly abide by the World Health Organization (WHO) restrictions on the nicotine content of electronic cigarettes.

Brands of vaping products such as guutuu vape are gaining popularity in the New Zealand market as they offer a safer and healthier vaping experience. At the same time, these brands also call on the New Zealand Tobacco Control Agency and other regulatory agencies to strengthen the supervision of the e-cigarette market to ensure that public health is protected to the greatest extent.


In conclusion, New Zealand’s e-cigarette regulator has only 1 full-time staff and nicotine level confusion persists, posing a potential risk to public health. Guutuu vape and other brands of e-cigarettes are safe and reliable, and are favored by consumers. The New Zealand Tobacco Control Agency and other regulatory agencies are called on to strengthen the supervision of the e-cigarette market to ensure that public health is protected to the greatest extent.