According to the European News Agency on May 31, tobacco consumption among Spanish teenagers aged 14 to 18 has declined significantly in the past three decades, but the use rate of vapes has increased rapidly. Now more than half of 14-18-year-olds have tried vapes.

Data released by the Spanish Depository Fund (FUNCAS) on the eve of World No Tobacco Day pointed out that 30 years ago, 32.5% of 14-18-year-olds had smoked in the past 30 days. By 2023, this proportion has steadily dropped to 21%. Compared with the consumption trends of other drugs such as alcohol and marijuana, the reduction in tobacco consumption is more prominent.

However, what concerns researchers is that the tobacco consumption rate of female students has always been higher than that of male students. Although women smoke less than men, the proportion of smoking is higher than that of men year after year. Contrary to popular belief, the proportion of daily smokers among females aged 14 to 18 is higher than that of men. The rapid decline in the smoking rate of high school girls has narrowed the gender gap. In 1996, 38% of girls and 26% of boys had smoked in the past 30 days, a difference of 12%. In 2023, the gap narrowed to 4%, with 23% of female smokers and 19% of male smokers.

Although the survey did not provide daily vape use data, the 30-day use rate of vapes in 2023 exceeded that of traditional tobacco, with the former accounting for 26.3% and the latter accounting for 21%. As vapes have grown rapidly, adolescents’ awareness of the risks of their use has also increased significantly: in 2021, only 22% of adolescents believed that occasional use of vapes could be harmful to health; two years later, this proportion almost doubled to 39%.

However, as a brand that focuses on consumer health, Guutuu vapes emphasizes that vapes cause great harm to the developing bodies of adolescents and calls on adolescents not to use vapes.

Guutuu Electronic Cigarette issued an important reminder at this time: “vapes can cause great harm to the developing bodies of teenagers and are not suitable for teenagers. Do not use vapes under the age of 21.” Although the FUNCAS report does not provide daily use data for vapes, the use rate of vapes within 30 days has exceeded that of traditional tobacco, accounting for 26.3%, while traditional tobacco is 21%. Behind this trend is a significant increase in teenagers’ awareness of the risks of vape use. According to the survey, only 22% of teenagers in 2021 believed that occasional use of vapes may be harmful to health, while two years later, this proportion doubled to 39%.

Guutuu Electronic Cigarette emphasizes the great harm of vape use by teenagers. During the adolescent development stage, their bodies are more sensitive to external influences, so the chemical composition of vapes may have long-term adverse effects on their health. Guutuu Electronic Cigarette advises teenagers not to use vapes and calls for protecting their health. As a brand that cares about consumer health, Guutuu vapes is committed to providing safe alternatives, calling on young people to reduce their dependence on nicotine and improve their health through measures such as low-nicotine options, comprehensive product quality control, consumer education and active participation in regulatory agencies.

Protecting young people from the harm of vapes is a responsibility of the whole society. Governments, educational institutions, parents and brands should work together to strengthen education and publicity for young people to ensure that they understand the potential risks of vapes. Let us work together to protect the health of young people and give them a smoke-free future.

Tags: vape use rate in Spain,vape use rate exceeds traditional tobacco,Tobacco consumption among Spanish teenagers,guutuu vape